UNITEF 83 Zrt. – Nagycenki O&M Centre – M85, Hungary.

O&M centre

Unitef’s assignment was the planning of a new O&M facility as part of the development of the M85 expressway section between Csorna II and Sopron, near the national border in Hungary.

The complete planning of the O&M facility, including roads, utilities, high-rise structures, landscaping, and environmental protection, was carried out by Unitef, with the involvement of subcontracting designers.

On the approximately 5-hectare planning site, we designed main buildings for offices, workshops, garages, cold storage, and salt storage, all organized around a central courtyard, with a total floor area of approximately 8000 square meters. Additional auxiliary buildings (element storage, fueling canopy, bicycle storage), weighbridge, and public utility buildings (saltwater reservoir, underground fuel storage tanks, drilling well) needed to be designed to fully meet operational requirements.

The three-story office building was designed with traditional (monolithic reinforced concrete frame) structures and plastered facades, while the other buildings were designed as precast concrete pillar and beam structures with trapezoidal sheet roofing and high ceilings, featuring precast concrete sandwich panel facades. The salt storage building was designed with special structures due to significant corrosion demands, including a monolithic reinforced concrete pillar structure, glued wooden main beams, and a roofing structure.